29 May 2018

The importance of recycling for the circular economy

By Stéphane Tondo, President APEAL.


At our April event in Brussels we were we were privileged to have many speakers who have been active in discussions related to the circular economy package (CEP).

Indeed, the event, and our report of good practices around the separate collection, sorting, and recycling of steel for packaging, were “timely” as the European Commission’s ‘Circular Economy Package’ of five legislative proposals was on the verge of being voted (it was formally adopted on 18th April in Strasbourg).

Speaking on the first plenary session, Nils Torvalds, MEP and shadow rapporteur for the Circular Economy Package, reiterated the need for “holistic policies in all areas” to avoid approaching complex policy-making from personal and national perspectives.

Gwenole Cozigou, Director in the Commission’s DG Grow, called upon stakeholders to follow the example of APEAL’s report and share best practices. “The circular economy will not happen because of regulation alone”, he commented.

Eve Tamme, from the Permanent Representation of Estonia, explained the challenges faced in reaching agreement on the package. In particular, how the split metal target giving a higher target for steel, and the derogation mechanism for weaker materials had been essential in achieving the final deal.

Ultimately, a truly circular economy will not be achieved solely through regulation and I was very encouraged to hear panellists agree that, now the goals of circular economy have been set, we all need to look at implementation. And that means working together and sharing best practices.

That’s exactly what APEAL’s new report is all about.

APEAL’s report is available for download here.