1st February 2022, APEAL and the Parliament Magazine will organise a high-level hybrid conference on closing the loop of steel packaging recycling in Europe.


The New Circular Economy Action Plan (key building block of the European Green Deal) sets out the objective to ensure that all packaging on the EU market be reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030.

This conference is therefore an opportunity to discuss the current review of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC (PPWD) by the European Commission and how steel packaging can further contribute to achieve a truly circular economy.

Specific attention will be given to how policymakers and stakeholders can work together in all European countries to increase understanding of the value of multiple recycling, increase separate collection and reach APEAL’s vision of zero steel packaging to landfill by 2025.

Concrete examples will be drawn from the APEAL report “Why steel recycles forever: how to collect, sort and recycle steel for packaging” to be released at the event.

For more information, please contact the events team at events@theparliamentmagazine.eu.