30 Mar 2018

APEAL announces winner of steel can hamper from MEP Awards night

Marco Clemente, parlimentary assistant at the European Parliament, has won a hamper full of food, beverage and household goods all packed in fully-recyclable steel.


The recent MEP Awards ceremony in Brussels, where APEAL was sponsoring the Environment category, hosted a sea-horse structure made from 2660 steel food cans with a challenge for participants to guess how many nutritious and healthy meals could made from the food cans.

The 2660 cans were donated to Brussels-based charity Food Bank Brabant where they will be used for 902 family meals.

Under current recycling rates in Belgium, 93% of steel packaging is effectively recycled and made available for the manufacture of new steel products, bringing ever-greater savings in emissions, resource and energy use.

The hamper was delivered by APEAL Communications Manager, Patricia Mobbs.