18 Dec 2014

APEAL is concerned by the Commission’s decision to withdraw the revised Circular Economy package

APEAL has long shared the opinion that all EU member states should expand their efforts to reach higher recycling targets for all packaging materials, in the interest of recognising waste as a resource whose recovery and reinjection into the EU economy contributes to resource efficiency, emissions reduction and the circular economy.

Alexander Mohr, secretary general of APEAL, commented “We at APEAL have for many years now promoted higher recycling rates and zero steel packaging to landfill. Our industry objective has long been 80% steel recycling by 2020.If Europe is to move towards a more resource efficient future, legislation will be crucial in pushing all materials across all EU member states to improve their performance.”

Steel is currently the most recycled packaging material in Europe, 74% in 2012. We will continue to put resources into ensuring that the full benefits of steel as a sustainable packaging material are understood across Europe and we look forward to an equally, if not more ambitious, new proposal from the Commission ”, he added.