27 Mar 2023

APEAL PPWR Breakfast meeting takes place in European Parliament

Following publication of the European Commission's proposal for a regulation on packaging and packaging waste (PPWR) and ahead of the committee debates in the European Parliament, we were pleased to invite policymakers and stakeholders to an open and challenging debate about resource efficiency in packaging and implications of the PPWR for Steel for Packaging last week.
We were delighted to be hosted by Tomislav Sokol MEP, EPP (Croatia), with co-hosts Maria da Graça Carvalho MEP, EPP (Portugal) and Alex Agius Saliba MEP, S&D (Malta).
Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea, Director in charge of the Circular Economy, DG ENVI and Luc Brantjes, President of APEAL, joined the panel for a lively debate guided by Jean-Paul Judson (NowMore).

Take a look at the gallery of event images here.

An overview will be published shortly by our partner The Parliament.