15 Jan 2013

APEAL supports the worldsteel twitter debate on 18 January. Follow #steeldebate

Join @worldsteel's #steeldebate this 18th January, at 14.00 GMT, on Steel: The Next Hero – Looking to the future

A high-profile panel of respected and influential figures in the industry will be answering questions live on Twitter on:

·         Why is steel so vital to the world and you? The exciting opportunities that a career in steel provides.

·         The challenges and opportunities the industry faces as we look to find the ‘next Bessemer’.

This twitter debate coincides with the launch of The white book of steel, a worldsteel publication that celebrates the history of steel and the steel industry. But worldsteel is looking to the future – the steel industry of tomorrow needs more ground breaking innovations such as the Bessemer process by English inventor and industrialist Sir Henry Bessemer (born 19 January 1813), which revolutionised steel production and changed the world.

Join this exciting event on 18 January.