01 Feb 2018

Esteemed speakers are announced at APEAL’s “Pioneer of circular economy” event this 11th April in Brussels

We are delighted to announce that Mark Demesmaeker MEP (ECR, Belgium), Nils Torvalds MEP (ALDE, Finland) and Tibor Szanyi MEP (S&D, Hungary) will be joining our speakers' panel at the forthcoming high-level conference on the advancement of good practices in recycling of steel for packaging.

The conference will focus on how policymakers and stakeholders can work together to fully close the loop on steel packaging recycling in all countries in Europe.

If Europe is to move towards a more resource efficient future, recycling will be crucial in helping EU member states to achieve the objectives of the circular economy packageThis will be illustrated by concrete examples drawn from the APEAL White Book of good practices in collection, sorting and recycling of steel packaging, and presented by key figures in our industry.

The conference will be held on Wednesday 11 April, 09:00 - 17:00, Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels, followed by a closing reception until 18:30. For more information and to register please contact the| 0044 207 593 5672.