02 Feb 2017

Leading professor highlights design possibilities of steel for packaging

The excellent design possibilities offered by steel for packaging have been highlighted by a leading European packaging expert.

Roland ten Klooster, Professor of Packaging Design and Management at Holland’s University of Twente says that: “The characteristics of steel as a packaging material are such that still today no other material can compete with it.”

The professor made the comments in an article commissioned to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of APEAL.

The article is one of a series from an expert panel from the fields of environment & recycling, food & nutrition, and packaging design. These industry experts will predict trends and analyse the challenges and opportunities in the landscape ahead. In addition, they will consider the different properties of steel for packaging which make the material ideally suited to the development of the Circular Economy.

The article is part of a campaign telling the story of the last 30 years of steel for packaging. It will help give an insight into the qualities which make steel a unique packaging material, combining exceptional performance capabilities with unrivalled environmental credentials.

“30 years of APEAL is a milestone” said APEAL Secretary General, Alexis Van Maercke.

“As such it’s a great opportunity to visualise the future and the vital role steel for packaging can play in developing a more circular economy in Europe.”

The campaign forms part of APEAL’s ongoing work in ensuring understanding of steel as a sustainable packaging material and model for a circular economy.

APEAL was founded in 1986 by the predecessor companies of ArcelorMittal, Tata Steel and thyssenkrupp Packaging Steel, joined subsequently by U.S. Steel Košice.

In the 30 years since then, APEAL has promoted the qualities and benefits of using steel for packaging to canmakers, retailers, brands and policy makers alike, becoming the go-to reference for steel for packaging in Europe.