08 Nov 2016

New animation to increase awarness of steel for packaging as the model material for a circular economy

APEAL has launched a new video animation highlighting the unique benefits of steel as the ideal packaging material for a circular economy.

The animation forms part of APEAL’s overall aim to increase understanding of how the inherent properties of steel already meet the requirements of a circular economy.

“The ongoing debate on the Circular Economy Package marks an exciting time for change in waste and recycling in Europe. The aims of the package are truly in line with the benefits of steel for packaging,” said APEAL President, Stéphane Tondo.

There is no better illustration than the recently announced figures confirming how recycling of steel packaging in Europe has reached a new all-time high of 76%.

Unique magnetic properties make it easy and economical to separate steel packaging from other waste during recycling processes. Because steel scrap is a part of the production process for new steel, every single steel plant in Europe is also a recycling plant. And as a permanent material, steel can also be recycled forever without loss of quality.

In addition, portion sizes, ambient storage and a long shelf life contribute to reducing food waste.

The Circular Economy Package was first launched in 2015 and establishes an ambitious and credible long-term path for waste management and recycling. It envisages higher recycling targets for all packaging materials, notably 75% for ferrous metal by 2025.

See the full animation here