10 Dec 2015

Steel for packaging industry leaders welcome higher recycling rates in European Circular Economy package

Steel for packaging industry leaders have welcomed the announcement of the European Circular Economy Package, saying the announcement will help to drive cultural change in the way products are manufactured, used and recycled.

Higher recycling targets within the package will, according to APEAL, encourage an EU-wide drive towards a more efficient and environmentally-friendly economic system which preserves the world’s diminishing natural resources.

The package proposes a steel recycling target of 75% by 2025 and 85% by 2030 alongside a whole host of other measures including a progressive landfill ban.

APEAL believes that the new split recycling target for metals will foster greater understanding of the recycling performance of all permanent materials.

The latest steel recycling figures already show an average recycling rate of 75,2% in Europe in 2013, with many major European countries such as Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary already recycling above 75%.

APEAL now expects political focus on recycling issues and how to preserve the world’s natural resources to intensify.

Alexander Mohr, General Secretary of APEAL, said: “This is good news and, we truly believe, a real step forward towards a circular economy in Europe.”

Dr Roeske, President of APEAL, added “Our vision is a closed steel loop. We appreciate the foresight of the package and look forward to the passage of the bill through the European Parliamentary process.”

APEAL believes steel’s magnetic properties and the fact that it recycles forever with no loss of quality, make it the perfect permanent material to drive change. Steel packaging is the ideal material for a circular economy, providing a model that should be emulated by other materials, and is convinced the steel industry can meet requirements for higher recycling.