Position Papers

17 Nov 2008

Deposit systems: perception and reality

APEAL expresses its concerns regarding “Written declaration nr 0091/2008” and therefore asks MEPs not to sign the declaration....
25 Sep 2007

APEAL’s Position Paper on Sustainable Consumption

In 2008, the European Commission will present Action Plans on Sustainable Consumption & Production, and on Sustainable Industrial Policy. Their aims are improving the way we produce, the design of...
01 Jun 2007

Sham recycling needs to be avoided

EUROFER and APEAL are concerned about the latest position of the German presidency concerning the definition of recycling. Only an unambiguous definition of recycling, such as the one adopted in first...
16 Feb 2007

Vote in Strasbourg on waste: towards a more consistent but too prescriptive framework

The vote of 13 February increases the consistency of the proposal. However, the vote goes far beyond the scope of a framework legislation, notably by setting a strict waste hierarchy with rigid and bu...
21 Sep 2006

Green Paper on market-based instruments

APEAL and BCME Position Paper on the Commission green paper on market-based insturments for environment and energy related policy purposes...
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